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Broom game rules
Released in 2015 the original Broom Service was a highly acclaimed game which eventually won the Kennerspiel des Jahres award. Like a lot of other recent popular board games this lead to a card game being designed based on the board game which was 2016’s Broom Service The Card Game. I have to admit that while I have been interested in trying out Broom Service I have yet to play it. Therefore I didn’t really know what to expect out of the card game. Broom Service The Card Game is a solid quick card game but it fails to be anything more than a very average card game.
NOTE: For a second major penalty to the same player in a game, the player shall be ejected from the game. A mandatory meeting must be set up with the Coordinator of Intramural Sports or his/her designee prior to playing any intramural activity or forfeiture will result for the teams and games played.
That’s like scissors, where you take an object, name it “scissors”, and pass it around the circle saying “I’m passing these scissors crossed/uncrossed” and wait until everybody who isn’t in on the game catches on that crossed/uncrossed refers to how your feet are positioned.
If you don’t really like press your luck/reading the other players card games, Broom Service The Card Game may not be for you. Also if you are looking for something more than a filler card game it might be a little too simplistic for you. If you are looking for a good filler card game though or enjoyed the original Broom Service game I think it is worth looking into Broom Service The Card Game.
I haven’t played Broom Service The Card Game in several years and this review was originally wrote in 2018. I had to refresh my memory of the rules for the game. I looked and it turns out that I did make an error in the rules about the task cards. I deleted the image with the incorrect information, and I tweaked that section of the rules. You do need to meet all of the conditions printed on each task card. I am not sure if we played the game using the wrong rules, or if I just made a mistake when I wrote up the rules.
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