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Массаж гуаша облегчает состояние при ревматизме, остеохондрозе, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях, воспалении желчного пузыря и печени, астме и бронхите. Восточная техника избавляет от мигрени, болей в шее и спине, ослабляет симптомы суставных и гинекологических патологий.
Скребок гуаша – это массажер в виде каменной пластины закругленной формы с небольшими выступами. Впервые скребок гуаша появился в Древнем Китае, а название техники массажа происходит от двух слов: «гуа» — скрести и «ша» — негативная энергия. Восточные целители использовали для массажа лица и шеи деревянные, каменные или костяные приспособления. В настоящее время производители предлагают массажеры гуаша из кварца, аметиста, нефрита и других минералов.
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Average day-time and night-time heart rate (fH in bpm; a), percentage of ‘good’ quality ECG values (i.e., QI0; b) and external acceleration (EA in mg; c) values in free-swimming Atlantic salmon (n = 10) recorded for 7 days following surgical implantation of the centi-HRT ACT tag. Open symbols represent day-time, whereas dark symbols represent periods of darkness/night-time. Dissimilar lower case letters indicate a significant difference within photoperiod (night-time values in bold), while an asterisk (*) represents a significance difference between day-time and night-time values at each measurement period. Data are means ± S.E.M, with each value representing the average of n = 72 data points per fish
Average heart rate (fH in bpm; a, b), percentage of ‘good’ ECGs (QI0; c, d) and external acceleration (EA in mg; e, f) values in free-swimming Atlantic salmon held for 6 weeks following surgical implantation of centi-HRT ACT or milli-HRT tags. Salmon were maintained at a constant temperature of 8 °C in the first trial (a, c, e; n = 5), whereas temperature varied between 8 and 12 °C in the second trial (b, d, f; n = 5) due to issues with facility temperature control. Open symbols represent day-time measurements, whereas dark symbols represent periods of night-time. Dissimilar lower case letters indicate a significant difference within photoperiod (night-time values in bold), while an asterisk (*) indicates a significant difference between day-time and night-time values. Data are means ± S.E.M, with each value representing the average of n = 6 data points per fish
Ivasauskas TJ, Bettoli PW, Holt T. Effects of suture material and ultrasonic transmitter size on survival, growth, wound healing, and tag expulsion in rainbow trout. Trans Am Fish Soc. 2012;141(1):100–6.
The monitoring of physiology and behavior allows researchers to study how animals cope with changes in environmental conditions, including those associated with global climate change . Historically, the recording of biological data from free-ranging animals has been very difficult. However, the integration of electronic engineering and biology has led to the creation of biologging technologies . Data storage tags (DSTs) record high-resolution data (at sampling frequencies up to or greater than 100 Hz depending on the parameter and tag) that are stored into the logger. Recently, DSTs have been used to measure acceleration and heart rate (fH) in fish, to estimate energy use , and to assess when fish are stressed . Two types of DSTs that measure fH exist: (1) heart rate recorders which detect and display the number of heart beats in a given sampling period; and (2) electrocardiogram (ECG) readers that record the electrical activity of the heart and store changes in cardiac electrical activity over the complete cardiac cycle (termed the ‘complete PQRS profile’) . Heart rate DSTs have been used to address concerns about the conservation and welfare of both wild and cultured fish. For example, Donaldson et al. used ECG loggers to examine the recovery of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from predator and fisheries encounters, and Prystay et al. used fH DSTs to study the effects of temperature on fisheries interactions in sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Recently, Brijs et al. used DSTs to examine the fH (stress) response of cultured rainbow trout (O. mykiss) to common aquaculture practices.
Data storage tags (DSTs) record and store information about animals and their environment, and can provide important data relevant to fish culture, ecology and conservation. A DST has recently been developed that records heart rate (fH), electrocardiograms (ECGs), tri-axial acceleration and temperature. However, at the time of this study, no research using these tags had been performed on fish or determined the quality of the data collected. Thus, our research asked: do these DSTs provide reliable and meaningful data? To examine this question, Atlantic salmon (1.4 ± 0.7 kg) were implanted with DSTs, then swam at increasing speeds in a swim tunnel after 1 week of recovery. Further, in two separate experiments, salmon (2.4 ± 0.1 kg) were implanted with DSTs and held in a large tank with conspecifics for 1 week at 11 °C or 6 weeks at 8–12 °C.
Algera DA, Brownscombe JW, Gilmour KM, Lawrence MJ, Zolderdo AJ, Cooke SJ. Cortisol treatment affects locomotor activity and swimming behaviour of male smallmouth bass engaged in paternal care: a field study using acceleration biologgers. Physiol Behav. 2017;181:59–68.